Monday, November 26, 2018

Final Book Theme

For my final book, I would like to continue with my theme of people interacting with objects. Many of my photos were taken at pop up shops as well as in unique and everyday spaces. In many of my photos, the subject is interacting with everyday objects such as a glass, a mirror, or candle as well as unique objects such as a button, a piece of art, or unique light source. I have found that the use of light is a prominent element in my photos as well as reflection, as many of my images depict a reflection of the subject from a mirror, a metal object, or through glass. I would like to incorporate the use of Augmented Reality in my final book. When the user scans my images with an AR device, another image that I have taken from the same location will pop up and when tapped, it will bring up the location of where the image was taken as well as background information on what event/pop up the images were taken at to provide more external information for the viewer.

Some images that I think best reflect this theme are:

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